Natalia is a badass Taurus with a Capricorn moon and a Sagittarius Ascendant. All three signs mix work and play with style.
What do you do?
I’m a writer and digital producer for Food Network. I am also at blogger for my own website: Itsbooyeah.com. It’s currently in a rebranding stage. I’m trying to think of new content to release in 2017.

What do you do when you’re not working?
I typically park my tush on the couch with a bottle of Pinot Grigio and binge-watch t.v (Jeopardy, The Office, Netflix Originals, etc). I also enjoy reading, I try and read about one book a month. Baking pies is another way I de-stress after a hectic day. I’m really into pies with booze in them, like a Chocolate Pecan Bourbon Pie which all my friends love. I want to make a Tequila Key Lime Pie sometime soon to satisfy my sweet tooth. I hope to someday be able to sell my pies to the public.

What inspired you to work in media?
I’ve always loved the tradition my parents and I had when I was younger and we were all living together. We would eat dinner and then watch the 6 o’clock news together every single day. That sparked my interest to be a journalist. I studied Broadcast Journalism at Humber but never become a reporter like I initially wanted. I did end up working in TV, just behind the camera instead of in front of it.

How would you describe your personal style?
Color & Bold Patterns – (Just like her bud Aquarius Sarah Donofrio!)
Who are your personal icons?
Bruce Springsteen is my icon. He is my religion. Through his songwriting, he has taught me numerous life lessons that have shaped me as the woman I am today.
Do you believe in Astrology/Kismet/Fate?
I don’t submerse myself in a lot of astrology. I just know all the basic information about what a Taurus is and what it represents. I strongly believe in fate. Certain things can happen for a specific reason. I think I’ve experienced fate a couple of times in my life and it’s surreal yet emotionally rewarding.
Which horoscopes do you read and on what basis – (daily / weekly / monthly)
The only time I read my horoscope is on my birthday. I try and read it at the end of the day, to see if any of it was applied or came true. If I read my special birthday horoscope in the morning, I’d be subconsciously trying to make everything I read come true, which isn’t fair, I believe.
What do you like about your sign?
Taurus are generally stubborn, but it could be considered more of a strength than a weakness. I’m stubborn as hell but not in a Mariah Carey diva kind of way. I’m just committed to my beliefs and ideas and want to see the job get done. A Taurus is the first when it comes to harvesting the fruits of their labor. They love everything that is good and beautiful, and they are often surrounded by material pleasure, which definitely explains my shopping addiction!
What do you dislike about your sign?
Well, the thing I hate is that our symbol is a bull. Bulls aren’t all that cute!
On a more serious note, I recently discovered the “best gifts” to buy a Taurus woman. One source said “Soaps filled with flowers, perfumes with natural scents and anything that will make her laugh. Buy her a comfortable pair of fluffy slippers.” I disagree. Soaps to me are not a great gift. It’s an afterthought. Like, “oh sorry I forgot to sit and think of a better gift so here’s some soap from Winners.” It’s something I’d rather just get myself at the super store. Because I’m a “materialistic” Taurus as previously stated, I think gift cards (moneeeeeey!!) and being taken out for a nice steak dinner is a much better gift.