Dear readers, it’s Libra season. What better way to celebrate than with an interview with a Libra sun? I met Natalie many years ago at Toronto Fashion Week, so far back, I can’t remember what its name was at the time. Her blog NatalieAst.com has always been a destination for feminine outfit and colourful ideas with a professional twist. After finding out that Natalie is a Libra Sun, Taurus Moon, and Pisces Rising, it all came together style wise. Let me elaborate; Your moon sign is the sign that you dress by, and with a Taurus moon she has collected pieces of quality that stand the test of time. Combined with her Rising sign, which how the world sees you, she has integrated femme adventure into her wardrobe with colour and detail. Read more below to learn about this lovely Libra!
Tell me about what you do?
I’m a law student, I just finished Law School at the University of Ottawa, Right now I’m kind of in a transition, from being a student to articling at a law firm. There’s so much to learn, but I’m grateful that this career is all about evolving and enhancing my skill set. Beyond that, in my spare time, I’m also a fashion blogger. I started out in journalism, and I wanted a space to share my personal style as well as thoughts on fashion events, and connecting with the fashion community in Toronto. It’s been a fun, creative outlet for me. Throughout law school, it’s been good for my mental and creative health. It’s been a good balance.

When did you start your blog?
I started in 2009, and I think I started taking it seriously around 2012. In the past couple of years things have really picked up.
What are your favourite things about blogging?
I like to think that there is an authenticity to it, even though you’re reviewing items or you’re working with brands, I do think that you have a closer connection to the product and a very close connection to the audience, whereas when you write for a publication you have to take on the voice. But being a blogger, you’re free to be whatever you want to be. The way that you write is more natural for me which I enjoy.
What topics do you write about the most?
Fashion and beauty but now I’ve been trying to get more into travel. That’s the direction my life is moving, that’s what I’m prioritizing now, taking time to explore and see what’s out there.
Where have you travelled to recently that you really enjoyed?
I just got back from a trip to Madrid and Barcelona! Madrid completely blew me away. It was such a chic city and reminded me of Paris without the pretension. Barcelona was incredible for the food, beach and bar scene. I also went to New York City with one of my close friends. I always love traveling to that city; there’s so much to do, it’s so close it’s so easy to go there for two days and really immerse yourself. My next trip is to go back to San Diego over Christmas. I’m always chasing sunshine and good food and wine!
Are you an astrology believer?
I believe in it, but my mom is die-hard – she reads five horoscopes every single morning when she wakes up.
I need to talk to your mom.
I’m definitely spiritual, and I do believe that a lot of the traits that Libras have I do have. Even my boyfriend finds that a lot of the things in our signs really do align, even in our relationship as a combination. The horoscope predictions every morning aren’t always right, but I like the ideology behind it more with personality traits for each sign, that I definitely believe in.
What are your favourite things about being a Libra?
I like that I’m a leader, I think I’m a good public speaker – that’s helped me both in blogging and in Law School. A lot of my law school friends are Libras, they all have birthdays at the end of September beginning of October. It makes me wonder if there is something in common
I mean, your sign is the scales! It’s all about fairness.
I always weigh a decision a lot, weighing the risks and the upsides but then sometimes I just can’t make a decision. I think that’s the worst trait about me; it frustrates a lot of people too – even it’s the most mundane thing, deciding between hotels, or black jeans or blue jeans I could go on about it for a whole day and spend the whole day researching, sometimes I just can’t decide.
Where do you like to shop?
I like to shop on my time on queen west, just slowly discovering things, I’m not a huge fan of malls, although I’ve really been like Nordstrom! I like discovering shops organically, consignment shops, online shopping, eBay, facebook groups. I’m trying to focus on less fast fashion, and more building my wardrobe now that I’m transitioning my life I have to pick better pieces.
How would you describe your aesthetic?
Colourful – I’m not afraid of it, and feminine because I’m always concerned about my silhouette, I don’t really like to fall into trends. The Athleisure thing doesn’t work for my body type; I have big hips and a small waist I want to accentuate that! You’ll usually see me in a dress and belting my waist. I think it’s important not to fall into those traps and trends and “Instagram aesthetic,” just know what works for you.