Carcia and Telly Campbell have been blogging since 2011, with a focus on music, fashion, and beauty. Inspired by the booming blogging business of the time, the sister duo decided to create a space of their own by the name of HerCastleGirls.com. This sister duo does everything together, and it only fits that they would both be in the same Star Crossed post! Chantel a Gemini Sun and Carcia a Leo Sun team up on fashion and beauty blogging, as well as a music career.
Carcia: Since the blog, we’ve been lucky to move on to more fulfilling careers. I work with a startup as a content experience designer. I deal with content and content creation on the daily. Along with Telly, we’re also writing music again, hoping to release some tunes this coming Fall/Winter.
Telly: I work as an administrator for a stock exchange company. To be honest, there is not much creativity there. As a creative person, I’m thankful for the blog and our music, to have the outlet to spew out all the creativity I have to keep down when I’m at work. The cool thing about my office and Carcia’s work place is that we are the fashion gurus. I can’t silence that.
Carcia Campbell wears an American Apparel Dress in Kensington Market
What do you love about blogging?
Carcia: After six years, I still enjoy connecting with people. Blogging has opened up our world. People aren’t afraid to walk up and talk about the content that we share. You would think we’d be bored after all of this time, but we enjoy sharing information, meeting interesting people and having these opportunities.
Telly: It blows my mind that we are still www.HerCastleGirls.com after six years. I’m proud of that. As Carcia said, that is the greatest part of blogging. We get the chance to connect and socialize with so many people; I love that we can give people a platform to showcase their creative lifestyles and businesses. There are many creative people out there doing their thing. Our blog has given and continues to give us loads of opportunities. It’s awesome!
Telly: Music is above all the first love. It sends chills up my spine when I hear a particular note. It can make you, or it can break you. Music is the language that everyone understands. Car and I will listen to songs and talk about the songwriting. We have deep discussions and dissect the lyrics, the music, and the instruments.

When did you start singing?
Carcia: We started singing very young. My first memory singing would be in the back of the car when we would drive around with our Mom. Because our family is very musical, she never told us to shut up or keep quiet. She nurtured the talent and encouraged us. I think our first live performance was when I was six years old!
Telly: We’ve been singing for so long. It’s just part of our life. I don’t remember a time when we were not singing. Our parents are singers and musicians, so we naturally grew up singing. Like Carcia said, our parents never silenced us when we were singing in the car or the store. They always encouraged our talents. I was four years old when I started singing, but I was mega shy, so it wasn’t until I was eight that I started singing publicly.
Carcia: To a certain extent, yes, but then sometimes no. I guess I believe in certain aspects of it. I meet some Leo’s, and we are identical in the traits you read about. Then I’ve met some Leo’s who are not your typical Leo. I do think stars mean something though and they aren’t just randomly sitting there in the sky. There is a purpose there I think.
Telly: Yes and No. Sometimes I’ll read my horoscope and say “nope, ” but on a few occasions, it’s dead-on. I’m a Gemini, and the one trait that is dead on for me is the twin (Chantel & Telly). I’m not against astrology in any way; I’m open to it. Everything that is created is made for a reason. Who am I to say the stars don’t mean something?