Alynne Lavigne and Eve Tobolka have been working together for the past six years creating ALYNNE LAVIGNE, a modern jewellery line that that emphasizes bold geometric shapes and simplicity. I spoke with them at Eleven Thirty Shop in Toronto at their FW17 event to find out more about their process and partnership. Alynne is a Libra sun, Virgo moon and Libra ascendant, which makes her a level headed perfectionist with a Venusian emphasis on aesthetics. Eve is a Taurus Sun, Aries moon and Gemini Ascendant which establishes her as a grounded, actionable communicator. As you read on, you’re going to see exactly how these aspects make themselves known in Alynne and Eve’s work!
How did you meet?
Alynne: We met at a house party in university, and became roommates shortly after.
What made you decide to work together?
Alynne: Our mutual love of vintage jewelry (the cheaper and bolder the better)
Eve: Totally.
Can you explain your different sides of the business to me?
Alynne: We design the collection together, though I’m a little more focused on logistics and Eve is a little more focused on editing. My role is mainly production, and other random things like Instagram, product shots, craft services on photo-shoots etc.

Eve: Who has sea food gnocchi at jewelry shoots? We do thanks to Alynne!! I love producing the shoots and working with the artists and photographers who direct the visual representations (images/videos) of each collection. Norman Wong and Jamie McCuaig did our Fall/Winter 17 book and it’s a total dream. But designing each collection is the best part for sure, and besides that, I take on the communications and sales as well as the handling of the website/web-store.

How did your connection to Eleven Thirty Shop begin?
Alynne: We’re just good friends, and we’ve been doing pop up sales together forever. When they expanded they had an extra room, and we jumped on it (begged).
Eve: And forever grateful for the Eleven Thirty space! It’s a game changer to be able to display the jewelry is such a great space.

What inspires your designs?
Alynne: The internet mostly. Sometimes people and how they wear jewelry will inspire us, like how they layer.
Eve: There’s a high school down the street from me and these teenagers have the best style and swagger – their whole vibe is totally their own – I was definitely not that cool in my younger years.

What drew you to fashion?
Alynne: I lived in Florence for my 3rd year of school, and I think it gave me a deeper appreciation for craftsmanship and design. I used to make/alter my own clothes in high school and university (think early Gwen Stefani inspired but way less cool) so I was always into DIY fashion, but I think Florence gave me a finer aesthetic.
Eve: My mom was and continues to be very bold with her looks and always had fashion magazines around, so I guess me and my siblings just grew up with fashion being this fun form of expression. From there, working in fashion has always felt very natural.
How would you describe your aesthetic?
Alynne: High low forever.
Eve: And everything matches.

What is your favourite piece of Alynne Lavigne Jewellery?
Alynne: Lately (and it changes monthly) I wear the T-Ball Necklace a lot and the 2 Tone Rec Chain with a ring on it. The Robber Ring gets a lot of play too.
Eve: Crosscut earrings lately, but the knuckle ring FOREVER.
What makes a good design?
Alynne: Any piece that makes you feel something, more powerful for instance. Whenever we can add versatility to a piece while maintaining our aesthetic, we feel like we did a good job.
Eve: Exactly. It has to feel good.

What materials do you like to work with?
Alynne: We mostly work in metal and some wax, but I just started working with this bakeable ceramic clay that you can drill and file after, so I’m super excited to experiment with that.
Eve: I’m always trying to work plastics into the collections, but it hasn’t found a place just yet.

How long have you been designing for?
Alynne: We’re working on our 12th consecutive season right now so I guess about six years.
Mysticism, Astrology, and Tarot have gotten much more popular in the past few years, do you apply any of those to your lives in any way?
Alynne: I don’t actively apply them, but I’m always blown away at how accurate they are. Always up for a reading though!

Eve: I follow a Tarot Tumblr account that provides a reading each day, and somehow I feel like it’s only speaking to me!
What are some of your goals for this year?
Alynne: More creative side projects!
Eve: Give birth, spend more time in the studio, and go to New Zealand.
You can shop ALYNNE LAVIGNE at 1130 College St, Toronto and online at their website, ALYNNELAVIGNE.com. Follow their IG at @ALYNNELAVIGNE for their latest new arrivals, behind the scenes and more jewellery inspiration!