Anita Clarke is one of Toronto’s OG fashion bloggers, since 2005. I met her many moons ago when we both wrote for an online fashion magazine, GLOSS. While creeping through my IG feed on a chilly and otherwise boring January morning I spied her Dries Van Noten shoefie, and knew that she was packing good outfit heat – she always is. I politely demanded that she let me take her photo and feature her here. You can follow her always inspiring work outfit adventures by following the hashtag #GGatShopify. I dare you to not be jealous of her beautiful workspace and killer kicks. Anita is a Gemini with a Capricorn moon and a Gemini rising which makes her a hardworking communicator!
What do you do?
I work at Shopify in Engineering Communications during the day and at night I’m a lapsed fashion blogger.
You’ve been blogging since I met you! What inspired you to start your blog I Want I Got?
It started as a way to document things I saw on the Internet that I liked in a visual manner. There wasn’t really a plan or specific direction in the beginning.
What do you like about your sign?
I love the duality of my sign. It explains so much about my personality and interests. My sign is big into experiences and that resonates with the life I’ve led so far.
Is there anything you dislike about your sign?
I don’t pay attention to the bad things. I’ve read Geminis are nervous, inconsistent and indecisive but I can say none of those traits really apply to me.
Who are your favourite Canadian Designers?
Greta Constantine, the retired Jeremy Laing, complex geometries, Philip Sparks, Smythe and Dean Davidson.
Who are your favourite Instagram accounts?
I love my friend’s Instagram accounts the most. I love seeing glimpses of family, randomness and creativity. However, I’m a crazy cat lady so I’ve filled my Instagram feed with a lot of cats. There is also lots of design and fashion in my IG feed but I follow very few fashion bloggers.
@ihavethisthingwithfloors, @parisianfloors, @theittybittykittycommittee, @love.and.hisses, @bennyharlem, @kittenxlady, @instagramwhistler

How would you describe your personal style?
I always say my personal style is schizophrenic because I am comfortable in a number of different styles. That being said the common thread among these styles is minimalistic design, colour and print.

What is your go-to power outfit?
Black bodycon and heels.
What do you wear when you want to relax?
At home: Very little to Nothing! Elsewhere, something appropriate.